Music Production & Distribution

Music is love in search of a word.

  • Music Arrangement
  • Audio Tracking
  • Audio Editing
  • Audio Mixing
  • Audio Mastering
  • Music Distribution

Our Music Production Offers & Benefits

Music Arrangement

Musical arrangements and reworking compositions have been around for years and years. Some of the greatest musicians used to arrange parts of their work into other pieces and/or adapt other musicians’ work.

Music Tracking

In tracking, different instruments are recorded separately. Tracking is the same as recording the song. Yet, it’s usually done in stages and referred to as multi-track recording. The first part of the track acts as a guide for the additional instruments to follow along with. It’s mostly more of a tempo or beat to start up the melody. This can be a metronome or a pre-recorded drum loop.

Audio Editing

When you think of audio editing, what exactly do you come up with? Most often, when we think of editing, we often don’t think of music or audio. In fact, it’s more common to think of writing in relation to editing in many cases. In reality, audio editing is a lot like editing a written document. Things are deleted, replaced, cut, copied, and pasted just like they would be in an essay or a novel.

Audio Mixing

Music is all about mixing your audio, tracking and mastering. However, it’s pretty usual for musician and non-musician to underestimate the power of mixing and its importance. In the world of music, mixing is a vital aspect of a recording.Audio mixing is also a process of blending individual things in a recording to come up with as good as a possible version of a song.

Audio Mastering

Mastering is the final stage of audio production — the process of putting the finishing touches on a song by enhancing the overall sound, creating consistency across the album, and preparing it for distribution.

Benefits Of Our Music Production

Our music production team and the producer often play a huge role behind the scenes. Their role is critical as it can define the image and audience of a track, how it will be released and sometimes how the artist is portrayed. It is our music producer job to make sure that the end product is as good as it can be, adding all the final touches to interpret the song and make it catchy. Ultimately, the producer touch may have a huge influence on the success of a track or an album. It’s necessary you understand the benefits of our music productions, which include:


This one is a bit tricky. How do you apply contrast in audio? It can be in how you select your sounds for instance. Perhaps having a number of sounds that have very sharp attack compared to others that are soft. Maybe a contrast in volume, compression, harmonics or dull vs very detailed. As you bring in a number of sounds or melodies, think of how each of them can be different. This is useful as it can broaden up your palette of sounds or have them evolve into something else.


This is the perfect follow-up from the pattern principle as they go hand-in-hand but are slightly different. I like to see the rhythm as everything that amplifies the flow of the pattern you created. Groove templates in Ableton are particularly tied to rhythm as well as swing.


This is the final touch to a song; “making sure all elements feel like they’re working together.” Sometimes I hear music and I feel there are a few sounds that don’t fit in at all. Perhaps this has happened to you and you’re not sure exactly what it is. Here’s a quick list of things to consider while developing a new idea: Make sure all melodies are in the same scale or in compatible keys. Use the tuner to make sure the most important elements are in key. Always have some sounds that are in the “call/answer” relation with some other. Certain sounds should either be working together or complementing one another (eg. played at same time or shuffling).


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