Vocal Classes Pricing Plans

Music is the shorthand of emotion.



Only the basics - Get The Foundations

  • Beginner Friendly
  • Suitable For All Levels
  • Vocal Exercises
  • 8 Intense Classes
  • Full Access To Private Chat Room


Ready to kick it up a notch? Go for big with advanced membership

  • Everything In Basic Plan
  • Reccommended For Advanced Students
  • E-Book
  • Instrumental Practice Tracks
  • Full Access To Private Chat Room

The power of music: how it can benefit health

What is Music?

Music is an art form which triggers our feelings in different ways. The soul of music comprises of rhythm, pitch, texture, timbre and dynamics. Music is used in different forms and in varied sectors and the results are beyond one’s own understanding.

Reduces stress

Listening to ‘relaxing’ music (generally considered to have slow tempo, low pitch, and no lyrics) has been shown to reduce stress and anxiety in healthy people and in people undergoing medical procedures (e.g., surgery, dental, colonoscopy).

Provides comfort

Music therapy has also been used to help enhance communication, coping, and expression of feelings such as fear, loneliness, and anger in patients who have a serious illness, and who are in end-of-life care.

Improves cognition

Listening to music can also help people with Alzheimer’s recall seemingly lost memories and even help maintain some mental abilities.

An effective stress reliever

When feeling stressed, you may find listening to your favorite music makes you feel better – and there are numerous studies that support this effect.

Music Helps Establish a Connection with Self

Connecting with one’s inner self is an essential factor in leading a positive and wholesome life. The best way to go deep down and connect with oneself is through meditation. While many people try to meditate only few are able to do it successfully. Most people find it hard to sit in silence and dive deep inside. Their thoughts usually wander making it impossible to concentrate. Many people find this activity boring and tend to give up after few attempts. Music can make this process easier.

Music Helps Establish a Connection with Those Around

Why do you think social gatherings have soft music being played in the background or a full blown DJ installed? Well, this is because music has the power to build a positive atmosphere and also connects people instantly. People often make new friends on the dance floor and also strengthen their bond with the existing ones.

Music Can Help with Self Expression

Now, even if you have people around to hear you, you may not be able to share your thoughts and feelings with ease. Self expression is important but not easy. However, it can be made easy with the help of music. Music has proved to be of great help when it comes to self expression.

Music Calms Our Mind

Music helps in getting rid of negative thoughts and emotions. During our day we are faced with several situations that raise our stress levels. Small things such as getting stuck in a traffic jam, clash of opinion with friends/siblings/parents or even a piece of news read in the newspaper can cause stress. Music helps us unwind. It makes us forget these unnecessary things that can otherwise keep our mind occupied the whole day and hamper work.

“Dear Music Life Has Always Be Better With You No Matter The Genre.You Have No Idea How Much I Smiled With You Around.Thank You For Always Been There For Me.Thank You For Been The Pride Light In My Darkest Hour.”




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