Web Development

We don't just create websites, we create websites that sell.

  • E-Commerce Strategy
  • Design
  • Front-End Development
  • Back-End Development
  • Hosting

Our Web Development Offers

E-Commerce Strategy

As an ecommerce business owner, you wouldn’t make any sales without ecommerce marketing. Launching your ecommerce site is not enough — people need to discover you before they spend money with you. More than this, you need to constantly remind them of your brand so they come back again and again, generating revenue. Here at Cmarx, we offer business owners the best ecommerce services backed-up by our authenticated strategies;

  • Driving traffic to your ecommerce website
  • Putting your company in front of your target audience
  • Making it easy for people looking for the kind of products you sell to discover your website
  • Converting website visitors into new customers
  • Re-engaging people who’ve visited your website before in order to make them buy again
  • Enhancing the post-purchase experience to increase customer satisfaction and drive loyalty
  • Reactivating current customers with well-timed, relevant offers and information so they enjoy shopping from you
  • Stimulating more regular and bigger orders

Custom Design

At Cmarx, we believe in giving out the best of custom web design which is the creating of customized websites based on the needs and desires of you, our client, by our team of programmers, and web designers.

Front-End Development

Here, our team of front-end developers builds the front-end portion of websites and web applications of our client—that is, the part that users actually see and interact with. Cmarx specializes in creating websites and applications using web languages such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript allow users to access and interact with the site or app.

Back-End Development

Cmarx Backend developers build codes that allows a database and applications of our clients to communicate with one another. We take care and maintain the back-end of websites, Including databases, servers, and apps, and they control what you don't see.


At Cmarx, we specialize also in providing hosting services also known as web and website hosting. We are into the business of housing, serving, and maintaining files for one or more Web sites.

What Are The Benefits Of Our Web Development Services?

Makes navigation easy

  • One of the reasons why Cmarx provides major web development services is that it makes navigation easy. When it comes to having a successful online platform, the user must enjoy easy navigation. Essentially, information provided on the website should be easy to access. For this reason, it is expected that the pages have fast loading speeds. Also, aside from developing the website, the pages are regularly tested for ease of navigation. This is to eliminate or resolve bugs that may hamper the ease of loading web pages. Remember, if a website has good navigation capabilities then it is guaranteed of more organic traffic.

  • Get to win with SEO

  • Search engine optimization has become a fundamental aspect to observe when it comes to the website. With millions of websites contesting to top in search engine results pages (SERPs), search engines had to introduce a way to list sites. It is through web development and design that one gets to attain a higher ranking. Here, parameters such as; title tags, use of keywords, image optimization, linking among others are considered. This implies that the website meets all the standards required by be ranked top.

  • Increase Sales

  • Business prosperity is highly anchored on the number of sales made. Well, creating a website can effectively aid a business venture to attract more sales. According to Statista, e-commerce activities are anticipated to grow by 21.3% by the year 2019. This indicates that sales on websites are attracting more users.Nowadays, more business owners are rushing to conduct their transactions online. This is because they have spotted the great opportunity to capitalize on online sales. The increase in sales goes hand in hand with the growing number of customers.

  • Attract lifetime clients to your business

  • As the company aspires to spread its wings and expand, it is fundamental to have loyal customers. Nevertheless, this can be a daunting task especially when the entrepreneur uses poor tactics to achieve this. It is at this point that development and designing of the website help out. The metrics retrieved from the site enable webmasters to monitor the activity of users. Here, it is possible to highlight the customers that have continuously supported the brand. After pinpointing them, the business owner ought to employ creative ways to retain these customers.
  • Problems Solved Quickly

  • If you run up against problems when working with a freelancer, they may not know how to fix the issue or might not have the time to dig deeper to find a resolution. These kinds of delays can turn into major setbacks as milestones go unmet and project plans get pushed beyond scope. When you work with Cmarx, team is usually on hand to troubleshoot any issues that may arise. The rest of the project work doesn’t need to be stalled to solve the problem because we have more hands on deck to keep the trains running on time.

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