Tech And Media Consulting

We take pride in being the best consultant agency.

  • IT Consulting
  • Visual/Audio Live Streaming
  • Sound Engineering
  • Vocal Coaching
  • Studio Set-Up

Our Tech And Media Consulting Offers

IT Consulting

Our IT consulting/technology consulting servive here at Cmarx, entails services aimed at helping our clients on how they can utilise their information technology (IT) to optimally achieve their business goals. The IT consulting segment contains both advisory and implementation services, although the latter represents the overlarge majority of the market's size. Examples of our IT consulting services includes business process automation, digital risk management, systems implementationa and IT enterprise security.

Visual/Audio Live Streaming

The live streaming technology as adapted by Cmarx is often employed to relay live events such as presentation, online events, concerts and more generally programmes that are output live. Often shortened to just streaming, live streaming is the process of transmitting media 'live' to computers and devices. One of the main priorities for live streaming is to keep the player synchronized with the stream.

Sound Engineering

Our team of sound engineers also known as a audio/recording engineers, help to produce recordings or live performances, balancing and adjusting sound sources using equalization, dynamics processing and audio effects, mixing, reproduction, and reinforcement of sound. Here at Cmarx, our sound engineers work on the "technical aspect of recording; the placing of microphones, pre-amp knobs, the setting of levels. The physical recording of any of our projects is done by our team of sound engineers.

Vocal Coaching

Cmarx vocal coaches are music teachers, who help singers prepare for performances, often also helping them to improve their singing technique and take care of and develop their voice. Our Vocal coaches help our clients develop personalized warm-up routines, use exercises to improve their range and breathing, work on articulation and projection ability, or provide other specialized instruction in advanced vocal techniques.

Studio Set-Up

While most people underestimate the importance of this step, the truth is that a well-designed room can be the difference between smooth sailing and major headaches down the road. At Cmarx, we help our clients out by suitability of the space for recording purposes in other to avoid working with small spaces with poor acoustics, poor flooring, noise e.t.c. Here, we also clear out the space, add acoustic treatment, and arrange the workstation. All of this to ensure that our clients get the full benefits of a studio set-up service.Do you want to get a consultation on studio setup? Click Here.

What Are The Benefits Of Our Tech And Media Consulting Services?

Realistic Outlook

  • With our tech and media consulting services, businesses will have a realistic outlook on the cost, time, and processes associated with implementing technological solutions. They would not get in over their heads with fancy new technology and waste valuable time and money attempting to determine how this technology can be used in a way that brings maximum reward.

  • Identify Technology-Related Goals

  • Our tech and media consulting services help businesses identify their technology-related goals and create succinct strategies to achieve these goals. By truly identifying and focusing on the needs of the individual business, our tech team can then design an optimal, personalized solution.

  • Digital Transformation

  • Our consulting services can even encompass helping businesses through a complete digital transformation. As an extreme tech and media makeover of sorts, this involves maximizing the use of current technologies in tandem.Digital transformation often includes: Updating outdated legacy systems, Crafting a personalized development strategy, Implementing new technology solutions, Adopting a data-driven approach and Cloud migration

  • Innovation

  • One of the best competitive advantages our consulting services provides is the identification of a key process bogged down by outdated business practices, as well as the strategy to optimize it. Being innovative is one major factor that can help a business stand out in any industry.
  • Perfect Fit

  • Cmarx tech and media consulting services helps our clients to find the perfect sizing which will bleed into the larger retail industry. We work with and create a reality fit model based on the client's persona. Once a person has their fit model, they can use their measurements to automatically compare sizing charts across retailers. This greater efficacy helps to increase client satisfaction. Clients can rest assured that they will be given customized recommendations that will help them find the perfect fit.
  • Positioning

  • Cmarx talented team of developers provide a smooth transition from technology consulting to development and implementation of your business vision through the adoption and integration of current technology. This innovative approach will help position your business at the forefront of your industry.
  • Easy Fix

  • Cmarx takes a business first approach in order to solve hard problems for our clients. We specialize in innovative technologies. Our team has experience working with a range of industries, so we can help you find the best solutions for your business.

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